Bug List

Email contacts:

dave at dashs dot com


Symptom: unable to open POFAMZIP.LST. Previous Beta (2b, now pofamu.zip) did not handle TMP variable with trailing slash. Fixed with new beta (2c). 2000/01/10.


Symptom: Abend 19H when saving module data to SAVE_PATH. Fixed with file of 03/05/2000.

Symptom: 'm' option from Attention Routine does not display 'UDP Ports' task description, or other description is skipped. Fixed with file of 03/05/2000.

Symptom: Levent and Lmodule format incorrect and may cause GPF. Fixed with file of 03/06/2000.

Symptom: debugger address checking in correct. Fixed with file of 03/12/2000.

SB2SETI Errata

Currently none documented.